Collaborating with Rita Lami Silva, I led this project in 2021 that helped the Purposed. team develop (the start of) a different kind of aged‑care business in the US.

During this engagement, we created Purposed.’s very first logo and a website accompanied by illustrations to reflect the unique vision Purposed. is building towards.

Purposed. homepagePurposed. homepage and contact form.


We wanted to create a brand identity that feel warm but also minimalistic while implying a high level of technology that would enable the business, with the goal to transform the aged‑care industry as a whole.

Rita started with several concepts under my supervision and created the designs for the website. I then implemented the approved design using Webflow.

Pusposed. logo design variationsPusposed. logo colour variations
Purposed. website wireframes


To further promote the tech aspect of the business, we included a bright blue in our palette, balanced with orange as our accent colour. Illustrations were also used with stock photos to make sure the brand felt human.

Purposed. logoPurposed. website mockup on a laptop
Purposed. styleguide

Shipped Product

The shipped product was a responsive website, including a lead form as a conversion point. Due to the business being in an early stage, we visualised the industry’s statistics to clearly communicate the business’s value propositions.

Visually, bold texts were used across the site to create contrast and better highlight the content.

Purposed. homepage on different devices


I acknowledge & pay respect to the people of Wangal of the Eora Nation on whose land I live & work.

Keen to make something together? Let’s talk.

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I acknowledge & pay respect to the people of Wangal of the Eora Nation on whose land I live & work.